My Interests
Some of my interests include motorcycling, making and problem solving.
When I was 12, I purchased an old 3 wheeled motorized cart and reworked it into a mini-bike. The brakes were Fred Flintstone style and poor reliability had me working on it as much as riding. But I was hooked and continue to ride motorcycles to this day. I have ridden all kinds of events from observed trials to road race, and continue to ride today, and hope to ride as long as I can. I volunteer for the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) as chairman of the Off-Road Recreational Riding Commision.
I have a nice basement woodworking shop, where I make furniture for my home and various gifts. In 2020, a maple tree I had planted at my childhood home when I was 5 years old (with my father's help) had to be cut down. I purchased a lathe and turned a maple wood log from that tree into Christmas gifts for family and friends.
If you're curious, you can view some of my better documented and mostly electronics projects on my Instructables project page. E024576's Projects - Instructables . I also was into model rocketry and bicycling (GOBA 2008, 2010, 2012)
Also, I have been a coach and judge at Junior High STEM events, exhibited robotics projects in Maker Faires at the Henry Ford Museum, and University of Toledo, and participated in the Friends Across Time program with 5th graders at the St Pius X Elementary school.
What I do is who I am.
Miscellaneous Photos ....
Bonus Video !!